I see them falling short maybe only when facing off against the bladed team directly, and even that's highly debatable and certainly a close match. Tesseract, especially, is just too deadly for me to see a team with him and a combatant as skilled as Lethe on it losing to anyone else here. But if we had to place bets, mine would be on team H2H. The amount of fighters makes this really hard to call, as mentioned earlier. Tanith isn't quite as amazing overall, but she can also keep up just fine. That, coupled with his highly skilled bladework and practically infinite stamina means that he's among the only combatants I can see besting either Tesseract or Lethe in close quarters. The Black Cleavers regeneration makes sure Tesseracts powerset doesn't bother him majorly, and also makes it extremely hard for either him or Lethe to put him down. With the bladed team, it's a different story.

Tesseract especially just outclasses here in almost all area's, he's far more deadly in a direct confrontation. China herself also doesn't have impressive enough combat related feats to make a difference in that regard, unless she somehow forces one of them into a 2v1. Team energy just lacks the feats to really keep up even with Renmant enhancements and team well-rounded, well.based on all the information presented to us, Valkyrie loses decisively to either combatant here unless she can fry them from afar, which, considering the amount of combatants here, I think is unlikely. Team physicals has a pretty big weak link in Springheeled Jack and, as I said, Bliss can be dealt with by Tesseract's exorbitant skill edge(by feats) and hax magic.

The team that I see as the biggest issue for these two is, in fact, the Bladed one. Honestly speaking, I don't think many people here could stack up to that. And once he gets going, he really gets going: even Skulduggery was overwhelmed in quick order, and a fully primed Lethe could drive back and overpower the combined forces of Adult Valkyrie and Skul in a blade to blade battle. Even Val and Skul wielding scythes together in a 2v1 couldn't finish him off quickly enough, and I don't think there's anyone here that surpasses their combined efforts by a significant enough amount. That being said, more often that not, I see him being able to reach the level he needs to in order to win most of his potential bouts. Some fighters here, especially those with bladed weapons, have the potential to use this to their advantage. Lethe's situation is a bit more difficult to asess while he's certainly very, very good once he gets going, it always takes a bit of adaption until he can reach his peak. Luckily for Tesseract, his ability basically bypasses that and he's demonstrated in the past that he's more than capable of dealing with groups of fighters, even ones of this calibre.

Bliss is physically the strongest fighter here and via implications none of the people here can damage him using conventional methods. Under normal stipulations(standard gear for everyone) my gut instinct is to say Tesseract and Lethe win. Yeah, this fight is highly dependant on gear.