For that we will use python’s BeautifulSoup module which will create a tree like structure for our DOM. Once the HTML is fetched using requests the next step will be to parse the HTML content.

Print(soup.prettify()) # to print html in tree structure Parsing Data: Soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser') The basic template(boilerplate code) which is used everytime is: import requests We can easily target any div, table, td, tr, class, id, etc. R.text is the response in Unicode and r.content is the response in bytes.īeautiful Soup is the perfect module to parse or transverse through HTML code. Instead of “content” we can also use “text”: htmlTexr = r.text HtmlContent = r.content # r returns response so if we want the code we write r.content R = requests.get(url) # r variable has all the HTML code Then we can make a variable or directly write the link in get() function as a string: url = "" We first need to import this module by writing: import requests We can easily get HTML data by using get() function in requests module. In order to work with the HTML, we will have to get the HTML as a string.
#Python 3 webscraper code install#
Open command prompt and just write these three lines one by one: pip install requestsĪnd you are good to go! If you get any error you can watch this video:
#Python 3 webscraper code how to#
Why take the hard path when the outcome is same, when you can do it easily in some lines of code in very short period of time? How to install modules?

We can use existing code written by experts. In order to use the power of python to scrap websites, we don’t have to write new code for everything.