Ac3d pre dreadnought
Ac3d pre dreadnought

ac3d pre dreadnought

In the universe of Fractured ( Star Wars/ Mass Effect) and its sequels, the Dreadnought concept is embodied in "Star Dreadnoughts." As drawn from Star Wars Legends these are basically The Battlestar meets Bigger Is Better in a Lensman Arms Race of Summon Bigger Fish and Takes One to Kill One (faction with largest dreadnought wins battle barring lucky shots).It's actually called the Dreadnought, with Lucius noting that the name was chosen specifically as a homage to the original dreadnoughts and their role as being an unstoppable force. The Darkest Hour of Child of the Storm reveals the existence of HYDRA's trump card, a helicarrier armed with reverse-engineered Destroyer cannons and with a hull of vibranium.Either because the Battlestar's combined arms nature makes it Awesome, but Impractical compared to the Dreadnought's Nigh-Invulnerable More Dakka, or because the Battlestar's versatility and fighter craft allow it to give the cumbersome Dreadnought a Death of a Thousand Cuts while denying it a chance to fight back. Both frequently holding the spot of "scariest thing around," but while the Battlestar is about the vessel's role as a combined battleship/aircraft carrier, the Dreadnought is about the tendancy to call the most dreaded vehicles "Dreadnoughts." If both appear in the same work, and the Dreadnought is not also the Battlestar, expect one to overshadow the other.

ac3d pre dreadnought

Both fixtures of a Standard Sci-Fi Fleet, though both can and do appear in other settings. In naval or space-based settings, expect a Dreadnought to pull double-duty as a Supervillain Lair.Ĭompare and contrast with its primary competing/companion trope, The Battlestar. In fiction, however, the Dreadnought designation lives on, due in part to the game-changing nature of the original HMS Dreadnought, and partly to the undeniably metal nature of the word "Dreadnought." (Dreadnought, roughly, means " Fear Nothing.") Not long after, battleships themselves became obsolete as aircraft carriers became the rulers of the waves. In Real Life, the name gradually dropped out of usage after World War I, as the Dreadnought-type of battleship became the default type of battleship. Ironically, Dreadnought was bordering on obsolescence by 1914 and the outbreak of World War I due to rapid advances in shipbuilding, leading to bigger, more powerful, and more heavily armed Dreadnoughts (with later examples known as Super Dreadnoughts). Combining heavy armor, high speed, and a relatively small battery of relatively large guns, Dreadnought rendered every other battleship afloat, henceforth known as Pre-Dreadnought Battleships, obsolete. This has strong roots in Real Life naval history, specifically HMS Dreadnought, a British battleship which revolutionized naval warfare for decades to come. There is a strong tendency for such a vehicle to be called a Dreadnought. It is The Dreaded when it comes to large-scale vehicle combat. It's a fleet unto itself, it changes the face of the battle just by showing up, and conventional wisdom is that it can only be taken down by something just as powerful as it is. It's the biggest, baddest, meanest thing flying (or walking, or rarely rolling), packed with weapons, armored ( and possibly shielded) to withstand a whole other fleet's worth of firepower, and may be The Battlestar on top of it all. When dealing with navies (or, occasionally, armies with vehicle support) in fictional settings, there is usually one class of vehicle that just outclasses everything else.

Ac3d pre dreadnought